Integral Theory

Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

Integral Theory: Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul takes readers on a journey to understand the contrasting perspectives, or ‘quadrants,’ shaping our world today. Douglas explains the current level of human consciousness and the conflicts arising from these differing viewpoints. He then delves deeper to illuminate the next tier of human consciousness, the ‘fifth perspective,’ which harmonizes all these views. The book provides a clear roadmap for reaching this advanced level, where the truth resides, fostering personal growth and ultimately leading to true unity for humanity. Douglas demonstrates how every aspect of our lives—body, mind, heart, and soul—has evolved through these quadrants and perspectives. He explains humanity’s evolution into this second tier and shows how you can be among the pioneers in this transformation, guiding others on their journey as well.

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“Hi, I just have to tell you that I  read your book every night for an hour before I go to bed.  It is so well-written, smart, educational, and something everyone should  read. I am so looking forward to discussing it with you.  I am on Mind Part 2 for tomorrow’s read!! It is a can’t put down page turner.  Have a great week!!”
Melissa, Organization Wizards

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About the Author

Douglas Mercer is an Integral Theorist and philosopher who has studied and practiced the Integral framework and Integral Philosophy for over a decade. This book, Integral Theory: Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul, is a compilation of his understanding and practice of philosophy. Douglas has a passion for Integral Theory and believes Integral Philosophy could be of benefit to you, if you are interested in learning how to wake up, grow up, show up, open up, and level up in life.

Douglas has been an avid student of Ken Wilber over the past decade or so, is a member of the Integral Life, and student of Integral Life Practice, Evolutionary Dynamics by Sacred Media & Science of Self-Actualization. He is a course participant of Actualize Operating System (AOS), and a graduate of the Superhuman Operating System (SHOS). Douglas is one of 100+ participants to have recently completed Ken Wilber’s Mastery Program of the Advanced Integral Theory of Evolutionary Dynamics by Sacred Media and utilized its practical applications over the summer of 2023.

-Loral Langemeier

Integral Theory

Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

Chapter 1 Introduction – Human Evolution

This chapter introduces Ken Wilber’s integral theory, covering evolving perspectives and the second-tier goal.

Chapter 2 Body

This chapter explores human evolution, societal shifts, and how changing perspectives shaped modern developments.

Chapter 3 Mind (Part 1)

This chapter examines historical intelligence theories, scientific breakthroughs, and humanity’s evolution through tier one.

Chapter 4 Mind (Part 2)

This chapter covers the 1960s societal shift, evolving perspectives, love, humanistic psychology, and happiness.

Chapter 5 Mind (Part 3)

This chapter explores vision logic, integrating perspectives, self-actualization, and becoming a tier-two individual.

Chapter 6 Heart

This chapter covers guided money meditation, unlimited abundance theory, Money EQ, and creation dimensions.

Chapter 7 Soul (Part 1)

This chapter discusses the soul, belief in miracles, addiction recovery, expert insights, and shadow work.

Chapter 8 Soul (Part 2)

This chapter explores Nietzsche’s human nature philosophy, acceptance, and integrates a higher power.

Chapter 9 Conclusion

This chapter reviews Emerson, Maslow, Freud, behaviorism, Wilber, and offers concluding remarks to the book.

Integral Theory

Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

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